HC Insider Podcast on Spotify - Cross commodity industry
Category: Podcast

2020 review and outlook for 2021

HC Insider Podcast host Paul Chapman, Managing Partner of Human Capital, looks back at this year’s episodes and discusses the key trends that were identified in 2020 in the commodities sector from a talent perspective.

Looking forward, he predicts what will be the pressing themes of 2021 and who will be in demand. For more information and a detailed analysis of 2020 visit www.hcgroup.global

The HC Insider Podcast

Each day, around the world, we have fascinating one-on-one conversations with our connections. Our collaborators are uniquely informed, creative and inspirational in their fields. We want to provide our community a seat alongside us, listening in to these conversations in that special way podcasting provides, as we tackle topical and people related issues with the leaders and leading minds in our sector.