HC Insider Podcast on Spotify - Commodity Technology industry
Category: Insights

Commodities as Currencies: Traceability, Tokenization, G-Coin and beyond with Brent de Jong

Emerging technologies, such as blockchain and artificial intelligence are unlocking the capacity to efficiently trace, track and share ownership of physical assets at a granular level. Digitalization not only provides the ability to interconnect entire value chains from origin through to trading but can also give commodities utility as a form of payments. Could commodities become new currencies, powering circular economies that de-risk all participants? Could the future take us back to a barter economy where the value of one digital asset is exchanged for the value of another? Our guest in this episode is pioneering just this concept. Brent de Jong is the Chairman of Emergent Technology & Payments which has launched G-Coin©, a digital gold token that can be used to save, send, and spend Responsible Gold™ - an idea that conceptually could be applied to all physical commodities. Brent is also the Managing Partner of De Jong Capital, an investment firm focused on the commodities world.