HC Insider Podcast on Spotify - Renewable industry
Category: Podcast

Sourcing renewable power: buy, build or invest with Toby Stanway

  • Renewables
  • 48 min listen

Across the developed world, companies face the pressure to decarbonize by 2030. Right now buying long-term renewable power is the simplest option. However, in a decade will many wish they had built, or invested in, their own sources of renewable power? After all, what will the price of a PPA be in 2030 when everyone needs one. Guiding us through the rapidly changing landscape of corporations power supply chains is Toby Stanway. Toby is the founder of Invest Net Zero, a company focused on enabling businesses of all sizes to make a strategic investment in utility-scale renewable infrastructure as a cost-effective, robust and long-term solution to achieving decarbonization goals. Toby has 20 years in the energy industry and experience of mergers and acquisitions, investment analysis surrounding conventional and renewables infrastructure.