HC Insider Podcast on Spotify - Renewable industry
Category: Podcast

The EV tipping point: consequences for the commodities world with Arcady Sosinov

  • Renewables
  • 53 min listen

Our guest, Arcady Sosinov, CEO and Founder of Freewire Technologies, believes electric vehicles present the biggest industrial change and opportunity in our lifetimes. With most major automobile manufacturers announcing phasing out combustion engines by 2035, we have passed the tipping point.

This transformation will have profound consequences and disruption for the commodities sector from the impact on power grids, to infrastructure, to market participants and to supply chains. Will your car manufacturer or a utility be your next power provider? Arcady guides us through why EVs are taking over, the interplay of customer behaviors and infrastructure and how this could lead to the biggest disruption in the energy word since the industrial revolution. We explore.

The HC Insider Podcast

Each day, around the world, we have fascinating one-on-one conversations with our connections. Our collaborators are uniquely informed, creative and inspirational in their fields. We want to provide our community a seat alongside us, listening in to these conversations in that special way podcasting provides, as we tackle topical and people related issues with the leaders and leading minds in our sector.