HC Insider Podcast on Spotify - Metals & Minerals industry
Category: Podcast

Changes, challenges and opportunity in metals trading with Doug Pratt

In this episode, Paul Chapman, Managing Partner of HC, and Doug Pratt, CEO of Greenwich Metals Inc and former head of Trafigura’s North America bulk business, discuss changes in the metals trading markets over the past decade and the opportunities and challenges they pose.

What are the most prominent changes in the metals trading space over the past decade? What has driven these changes? How have the participants changed? What role has technology played? What has been the impact of hedge funds and institutional money? What does this mean for metals trading talent? How has coronavirus impacted these trends? What is GMI’s strategy given these changes?

The HC Insider Podcast

Each day, around the world, we have fascinating one-on-one conversations with our connections. Our collaborators are uniquely informed, creative and inspirational in their fields. We want to provide our community a seat alongside us, listening in to these conversations in that special way podcasting provides, as we tackle topical and people related issues with the leaders and leading minds in our sector.