HC Insider Podcast on Spotify - Financial Markets industry
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The Rise of Alternative Financing in Commodities

The commodities sector has never been under more financing pressure. Yet, many traditional financiers have scaled back their capabilities or exited the space altogether. To fill this void, alternative financing has emerged from a range of sources including hedge funds, trade-finance funds, and other asset managers – bringing with it a new set of costs and challenges. In this panel recording, we take on the rise of alternative financing in the commodities sectors and its consequences with some of the leading protagonists.  The panel was recorded at the Reuters Events Commodity Trading USA event. The panelists were Lewis Hart, head of Commodities and Corporate Banking at BBH, Prashant Mupparapu, head of investments in energy and infrastructure at Citadel and Ethan Shoemaker, Investment Partner and head of infra credit at Orion Infrastructure Capital.