Category: Insights

The Commodities Talent World in 2023 and 2024

In a volatile world, the centrality of talent remains a constant. The latest edition of HC Group’s Annual Review explores how global commodities markets shaped recruitment in 2023 and offers talent forecasts for the year ahead. Our Review includes more than 300 People Moves, showing talented individuals in our sectors who have switched companies.

2023 saw a continuation of hiring trends including a strong demand from hedge funds, and a widening demand for strong digital skillsets including analytics. Renewables, future fuels and energy transition minerals were all hotspots of hiring growth. At HC Group, trading houses, liquid fuels and chemicals and Northern America all drove recruitment activity, with junior and mid-level professionals most in demand. 

HC Group’s Annual Review reflects on the year at the HC Insider Podcast, as well as significant People Moves in global commodities. 

Click here to unlock the full review

The commodities world in 2024 will be shaped by factors including continued geopolitical risk and the impact of higher interest rates. In our Annual Review, HC Group’s consultants forecast likely and significant talent trends, including an expected increase in LNG trader movement; a talent gap in US credit risk; and a ramp-up in hiring to increase exposure to base metals. 

HC Group’s Annual Review reflects on the year at the HC Insider Podcast, as well as significant People Moves in global commodities. 

Click here to unlock the full review