Nuclear Power: perception versus reality with Mycle Schneider
Have we seen “peak nuclear”? And what are the consequences for the power markets?
Our latest insights on the Power and Environmental Products sector
Have we seen “peak nuclear”? And what are the consequences for the power markets?
What do the events of 2021 mean for the PPA going forwards? How will their structure and tenure change in response?
Much ink has been spilled on the sale of ‘carbon neutral LNG’ in 2021, fueling more criticism of ‘greenwashing’.
Somruedee Chaimongkol has been leading Thailand’s largest coal producer and power generator, Banpu, since 2015.
Using blockchain technology Singapore’s AirCarbon Exchange has become the world’s first carbon negative trading platform
Visibility to the customer is more crucial than ever to balance loads and service changing consumer habits.
Tackling carbon is one of the biggest challenges (and opportunities) in the commodities sector.
At this year’s Reuters Commodity Trading Summit, Paul Chapman, MP at HC, moderated a session to discuss carbon's impact.
Rene Velasquez, Head of Global Carbon at CBL Markets, explores the impact of technology on the carbon markets.
Read our latest insights on the Power and Environmental Products on sector to find out more about how the latest trends are influencing this space. Our data and consultants are constantly uncovering intelligence on every aspect of the commodities industry. Through HC Group Talent Insights, we are able to provide this intelligence to you through our HC Commodities Podcast, In Conversation With, Diversity Champion series, and our regular insights and Q&As.