
Amelia Chahal

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Email Amelia Chahal
EA Reg:
EA Reg. R1654562 [Amelia May]

Amelia joined HC Group in 2018 and is a Director based in Singapore. 

Her areas of expertise cover front office recruitment across the energy sector in APAC, specifically gas, power and renewables, oil and LNG. Amelia is also responsible for the agriculture and nutrition space in Asia and pens a weekly LinkedIn blog called ‘Commoditea and Cake’. 

We’re seeing a lot of change in the industry that is driven by decarbonisation and sustainability, with lots of companies setting up environmental products desks and looking into how they can offset their carbon footprint in their own supply chains. It’s great to see the bigger picture with the work that we do and see how the talent we help to place make a meaningful impact.

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